By Douglas Ogbankwa Esq.
Your Personal and Bank Details are Security Details that you should not just be throwing about.The following points should be put in mind about your Personal and Bank Details:
Your Mobile Phone number is not just eleven digits .It is tied to your account Number ,your National Identity Card Details and even the Social Media Platforms you belong to.
With your phone number ,Some persons of interest can know your location ,analyse your location and knock on the door of the Apartment you are .It is even worse if your phone is being monitored.They can see all your textual messages ,including your bank alerts.Dial *#61# to ascertain if your phone is being monitored and if yes ,dial ##002# to disable the monitoring .
When you buy a phone copy down the IMEI Number of the phone or save it in our Email.Your Email is the safest way to save a document or information. You can dial *#06# on your phone to get your IMEI Number and save same somewhere safe.Always switch off your location on your phone and avoid disclosing your location on Facebook and other Social Media Platforms. Also do not give your phone to some one to send a text message or make a phone call for security purpose instead offer ,the person who asks airtime. Do not charge your phone in public except you are watching it closely ,else it could be used to make call that could land you in trouble .Always password your phone and if your phone is stolen for any reason immediately report it to the nearest Police Station ,because the person who steals your phone can use it to demand for kidnapping ransome.
Don’t be throwing off your personal account details or BVN details every where.If you are in a business where you need to be sending account details to business partners ,register a limited liability company where you have many directors .Security Agencies can not freeze a Company Account for a personal issue.In any
case ,a Security Agency can not freeze your Account with out an Order of Court.See:
Suit No. LD/1961GCM/2017 ,decided by Hon. Justice K. Alogba ( Now Chief Judge of Lagos State)
),which held that the Bankers’ Order Act 1847 is a non existent Law and that the only existent Law is the BANKERS’ BOOKS EVIDENCE ACT 1879 CHAPTER 11 which only allows Bankers to give access of the books of an Account to Investigators and does not presuppose the freezing of an Account and that extensive research revealed that there is no law known as Banker’s Order Act 1847. Rather, what is in the statute books is- BANKERS BOOKS EVIDENCE ACT, 1879 and that Section 4 of the Police Act does not expressly grant such power or prerogative to the police to freeze an Account with out an Order of Court .
3.Social Media Platforms:
Limit the information on your Social Media Platforms not to expose yourself to danger.
Avoid indicating your location on Facebook.Put off your location in your hand held device .Be wary of doing business on line with people you have not seen.Before you do transfers to any account ,get more personal details of the person including an alternative contact.
3.Your ATM Card.
Be careful who you expose your ATM Cards to.Do not give strangers your ATM Card to make Withdrawals,they could memorize your 14 Digit Pin and use same to make on line transactions .It is better for you to have a special account for online transactions. In that Account, leave small money there ,so that if your account is hacked you will not lose much .Transfer money from your main Account to your online transaction Account only when you want to do an online transaction.Never disclose your ATM Pin or Account details to unsolicited callers for whatever reasons and desist from posting your account details in Public Social Media Platforms. Also if your ATM is stolen or is missing,for any reason report to the nearest Police Station and get a Police Extract ,as it can be used to commit a crime .Some Armed Robbers went to rob a POS Cash Centre What they did was to give the attendant a stolen ATM as she was about attending to them ,they robbed her with a gun and left the stolen ATM behind. The Owner of the stolen ATM did not report the case of his stolen ATM to the Police and he is now dealing with a case of Armed Robbery, which would have been avoided by reporting his stolen ATM Card to the Police .
5.Your Alert Phone Number :
Your alert phone number is not just an ordinary number .It is indeed an alternative banking platform ,because it can be used to undertake a USSD or code transaction.Before you travel abroad,if you would travel for more than six months, disable your phone alert system ,else after six months the phone will be tossed by the telecom service provider and resold to a new subscriber,Who can then be receiving all your alerts .The New Subscriber can also use your line to set up a USSD platform and transfer all the money in your account to another Açcount .Also do not leave alerts in your phone or carelessly allow people to see your account balance ,it could out at risk of a Robbery or a Kidnap.
Also ,generally avoid huge cash withdrawals and movements of huge cash at all times .It is very dangerous and it could be at risk of your life .Insist on Transfer payments ,aside being safer it gives you an online trail of transaction and it avoids you running foul of the Law of doing some huge transactions with out passing through a Financial Institution, which is a crime in Nigeria .
Douglas Ogbankwa Esq., is a Lawyer, Writer and Teacher , he is also the Publicity Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association Benin Branch- the Lion Bar
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