There are just 3 days left till the deadline for submission of entries for the SPA Ajibade & Co. Essay Competition.
The Competition guidelines are as follows:
- Entries are to be submitted to on or before 25/11/20. Late and hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.
- Submissions must be in one MS Word document (No PDFs) and include a title page with the title of the essay, author’s name and contact information (phone number and email address) and a 100-word (or less) biography.
- Essays must be submitted in English, must not exceed 1500 words (excluding title page, endnotes and bibliography), should be submitted with numbered pages, and double-spaced using Arial, 11-point font.
- Essays must be original and not previously published.
- Entrants are to submit only one entry. Co-authorship is not permitted.
- Essays will be judged based on clarity of expression, spelling and grammar, originality of thought, depth of analysis, re