Legal Aid SA has announced that its new Board of Directors has been constituted, with their term effective from 1 May 2024!
The Board plays an oversight role, ensuring good governance and leading practice as Legal Aid SA achieves its 3 objects:
1. Providing legal aid and legal advice
2. Providing legal representation at State expense
3. Educating the public on their legal rights and obligations
Members of the new board are:
Chairperson: Judge Nobolao Martha Mbhele
Deputy Chairperson: Adv. Kgotso Godfrey Maja
Dr Mduduzi Zakwe
Ms Rahab Serepong
Ms Lorraine Zanele Francois
Ms Nonduduzo Samukelisiwe Khanyile
Ms Rehana Khan Parker
Mr Nkhangweni Rambau
Dr Maureen Tong
Mr Fhedzisani Pandelani
Ms Mantiti Kola
Mr Sethopo Mamotheti
Professor Ntombizozuko Dyani-Mhango
Mr Shawn Coetzee
Ms Tintswalo Mofokeng
An independent body, Legal Aid South Africa was established by the Legal Aid Act of 1969. During the first 20 years of its existence, Legal Aid South Africa provided legal aid by means of Judicare. In other words, Legal Aid South Africa employed the services of lawyers in private practice to represent those needing legal aid. However, during the 1990s, starting with the Office of the Public Defender, Legal Aid South Africa became involved in a number of pilot projects in which legal aid was provided by salaried legal practitioners employed by either Legal Aid South Africa or one of its cooperation partners.
In the late 1990s, Legal Aid South Africa decided to move towards a system of salaried legal practitioners as the primary means by which legal aid would in future be provided. Legal Aid South Africa has since established 64 Legal Aid SA Local Offices and 64 Legal Aid SA Satellite Offices, which provide legal aid throughout the country.
In 2014 the new act came into force, called the Legal Aid South Africa Act No. 39 of 2014.
Legal Aid SA Local Offices are usually near courts, with each office serving between 10 and 20 courts. Through its Legal Aid SA Local Offices, Legal Aid South Africa provides legal aid to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the country each year.