The Law Society has written to the prime minister, lord chancellor and home secretary to express concern that law firms and advice agencies could be targeted by rioters this week.

Society president Nick Emmerson said names and addresses had been shared on a list of targets for further protest and violence in the coming days.

‘I have written to the prime minister, lord chancellor and home secretary today asking that the threats against the legal profession are treated with the utmost seriousness. A direct assault on our legal profession is a direct assault on our democratic values and we are supporting our members who are being targeted,’ Emmerson said.

‘It is paramount that justice is done for all those who have been involved in, or are victims of, the riots. We commend the government for its swift response and want to see that the necessary support and resources are provided for both prosecution and defence lawyers, courts staff and judiciary in dealing with this emergency.’

There have been reports that 39 immigration centres have been named in online discussions, as well as the names of firms and individual solicitors.

Meanwhile, the government has signalled that overnight courts could be set up to deal with the flood of cases expected to arise from the riots so far.

However, Emmerson said the criminal defence profession was ‘depleted and overworked and the goodwill of the solicitors who are being called on to work additional antisocial hours is fast running out’.

Law Gazzette

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