The NEC members at the NBA NEC meeting today supported a motion to suspend the chairman of Ikorodu branch,Mr Bayo Akinlade for going against the resolution of NEC and the directives of the NBA not to proceed with the bye election for the position of the Vice Chairman in his branch while there was a substantive Vice Chairman.

This followed a report by the 2nd vice President of the NBA Dr Foluke Dada who described the election as a sham and total disregard of the NBA

NEC members were visibly angry at the behaviour of Mr Akinlade.

Mr Akinlade who was present while the deliberation was going on opted to keep quiet until the motion to suspend him was moved and adopted.

A member of NEC who saw him seated called for him to be heard and the President ,Mr Paul Usoro called Mr Akinlade to tell the house his own side of the story.

Upon Bayo taking up the microphone in line with the President’s directive to hear him,the house became choatic as members started agitating that he had no right to speak being suspended already.

Mr Adewale Obafemi raised a point of order. He stated that apart from the fact that Mr Akinlade has been suspended,he plinted out that he had also waived his right to respond having opted not to contribute or defend the allegations against him.

He (Obafemi)warned on the need to remain consistent with procedure. NEC members overwhelmingly supported his point of order and over ruled the President’s decision to let him (Bayo)speak.

Mr Bayo’s suspension took effect forthwit and the Vice Chair Ogbaide Ezekiel was adopted by NEC to run the affairs of the branch as acting Chair

Bayo Akinlade was subsequently asked to leave the meeting.

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