(UDEMS’ shorter epistle to Governor Ganduje In Re “No Gorilla in Kano Zoo, says Ganduje on missing N6.8m”
Your Excellency, Governor Ganduje, Sir!
??It was recently reported that ”Zookeepers Claim Gorilla Swallows N6.8 Million in Kano”(http://saharareporters.com/2019/06/17/zookeepers-claim-gorilla-swallows-n68-million-kano-ganduje-kicks-orders-probe). We later heard that you had instituted a probe into the reported strange (is it really strange?) incident: Ganduje orders probe into N6.8m swallowed by gorilla in Kano Zoo (https://www.google.com/amp/s/punchng.com/ganduje-orders-probe-into-n6-8m-swallowed-by-gorilla-in-kano-zoo/amp/). Then just today, I heard again that you had declared that there were/are NO gorilas in the Kano Zoo: No gorilla in Kano zoo, says Ganduje on missing N6.8m. (http://www.barristerng.com/no-gorilla-in-kano-zoo-says-ganduje-on-missing-n6-8m/).
??Your Excellency, I feel your pains; you must have been so pissed off that you couldn’t even wait for the probe panel to conclude its work before you made this declaration. But, Sir, there is something you’re missing; You forgot that Nigeria is a country of all and any possibilities. Just anything (even the unimaginable) can happen in Nigeria and nothing will happen about it.
??Regarding the gorila story, for example, dear Governor Ganduje, the zookeepers didn’t say that any gorilla lived or Iives within the Kano zoo. ??Perhaps, you didn’t get them well. What they’re saying is (in my reckoning) that a mystery gorilla had suddenly emerged from nowhere and swallowed the N6.8 million. And that the gorilla disappeared into the thin air immediately after committing the dastardly act! Lol ? You shouldn’t be surprised , Sir.
??By the way, dear Sir, how is this gorilla story a shocker to anyone in Nigeria, a country where:
*Monkeys swallowed N70 million belonging to Nigeria’s Northern senators *(https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanguardngr.com/2018/02/just-monkeys-swallow-n70m-belonging-northern-senators/%3famp)
”A Mystery snake Swallowed N36 million cash in JAMB office” (https://www.sunnewsonline.com/mystery-snake-swallows-n36-million-cash-in-jamb-office/) and
”Rodents chased the President out of his office” (https://www.google.com/amp/s/dailypost.ng/2017/08/22/buhari-rodents-chased-president-office%25E2%2580%258E-garba-shehu/amp/) or
”Rats Chased Nigerian President Buhari From Office!” (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qGUmK3wKmec)?
??Nigeria is a country of possibilities, I repeat. ??Alleluia! All things are possible here because the Nigerian god worketh wonders and with him, all things, just anything, is possible?
??Matthew 19:26: ”But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Lol ? ?Yes, see the Bible book of Luke 18:27 and you’d believe that the things which are impossible with men in other parts of the world are possible with Nigerians and in Nigeria. See also Jeremiah 32:27 and agree that there is nothing too hard for god of Nigeria to permit! ??I agree, ??; “…all things [are] possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23).
??Dear Governor Ganduje, Sir, why is it hard for you to see the possibilities in Nigeria, your country. Perhaps, this is why you didn’t see it coming earlier enough, that some dollar gifts are not without a heavy price; that, not all that glitters is gold (side talk though). All because you are perhaps not used to believing that in Nigeria, the unthinkable is possible, and the possible is unthinkable; anything that happens or is reported to have happened should just be believed without questions.
??Anyway, it is well with Nigeria and Nigerians even though I recall that, as in Hebrews 4:13, God, the Almighty (not the type in Nigeria) watches over all things and sees whatever men do, so much so that ”there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” He knows the hearts of all men (Acts 1:24). God Almighty will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil: Ecclesiastes 12 :14. Each and everyone shall be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10). This, we must believe, based on Proverbs 11:31: ”If the righteous will be rewarded in the earth, How much more the wicked and the sinner!”
??The bottomline is, as stated in Romans 6:23; the wages of sin is death”There are some Nigerians whose ways are dark and slippery. These are the wicked oppressors of the Nigerian masses, and the looters of our treasury. Their portion as a reward for their evils deeds shall be *wailing and gnashing of teeth. The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish (PSALM 112:10). See Ephesians 5:6: the wrath of God comes upon the wicked and evil Nigerians. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap: Galatians 6:7-9. As DELE GIWA (now of blessed memory) once said, “No evil deed can go unpunished, any evil done by man to man will be redressed, if not by man then by God, if not now certainly later….for the victory of evil over good can only be emphemeral”. Dele Giwa. On its part, *the Holy Quran* in 16:90 says “Allah commands justice, the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you that you may receive admonition.” Because nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight! (Hebrews 4:13). Romans 14:12: each will give an account of himself and his deeds — good or bad! Time is coming. Very soon!
Then, the veil would be lifted and we shall see all the human faces behind the gorillas, snakes, and monkeys that swallow our national wealth; we shall know the very rats that took part in chasing people away from their offices and we shall behold all the evil faces sponsoring/behind bandits, killer herdsmen, Boko Haram, ISWA, badoo, kidnappers, looters in Nigeria— all would be unveiled for everyone to receive his or her just rewards.
??In the meantime, dear Governor, please believe in Nigeria; believe in the story of gorilla just as it was in the story of snakes, rats and monkeys. Lol ? God bless Nigeria, a country of possibilities —- home for the good, the bad, the ugly, the absurd, the bizarre and all!