The former Chair of International Bar Association – African Region in a telephone conversation with some Law reporters has commended the President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Mr Olumide Akpata on the robust committees he announced and urged that a specific committee on Sexual harrassment and bullying in the Legal profession be constituted.
Atata who serves presently in the IBA as the LPD Liaison to Africa represented Africa in the IBA working group that conducted the survey on Sexual harrasment and bullying in the Legal Profession said that the survey has become a working document across the globe and beyond the legal profession. Atata said that a committee on the subject will make a bold statement in our commitment to ensuring that sexual harrassment and bullying in the Legal profession is brought under control.
According to Atata, discussions around the subject of Sexual harrassment and bullying in the legal profession is not something we should continue to ignore. He said that the Nigerian Bar Association being a big player in the continent should take a lead in this conversation with the aim of confronting a sensitive issue we cannot wish away.
Anthony Atata,who was at the global launch of the survey in London said that alot of lawyers and law firms are still confused as to how to deal with the issue and ignorant as to what constitutes bullying in the work place especially in Africa where cultural beliefs tend to collide with issues like this.
Atata advised that any Bar Association,Law society ,Law firm in Africa etc that intends to take steps against the issue can begin with the IBA survey in understanding and solving the problems.
Mr Atata congratulated all the committee members particularly the members who will be serving from Lagos branch of the association.