Learned Silks, Seniors & Colleagues.

My name is Damian Onwubiko Nosike. I am a native of Umunehi Obiangwu in Ngor Okpala Local Government Area of Imo State. I am a reputable Owerri-based legal practitioner and an aspirant to the office of the 2nd Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

I had my secondary education at Holy Ghost College, Owerri and obtained my Senior School Certificate Examination [SSCE] in 1988. I graduated from the Faculty of Law, Imo State University, Owerri in 1998 where I obtained my Bachelor of Laws Degree. I thereafter attended the Nigerian Law School, Abuja in 1999 and in the year 2000, I was called to the Nigerian Bar. In addition, I obtained a Certificate of Training and Proficiency in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Since after my Call to the Bar, I have remained in active legal practice, with bias for litigation and commercial practice of law. During my National Youth Service between 2001 & 2002, I served as a Corps Counsel in the law firm of U. U. Chukwumaeze, SAN. & Co. Shortly after my service year, I joined the law firm of Ndukwe Nnawuchi, SAN. & Co. where I honed my professional skills between the year 2002 and 2017. During my pupillage at the law firm of Ndukwe Nnawuchi, SAN. & Co., I gradually rose through the ranks to become the Head of Chambers/Managing Partner. In the year 2017, I founded the law firm Damian O. Nosike & Co.(Chidindu Chambers) located in the heart of Owerri, precisely at 59, Njiribeako Street, Owerri where I am currently the Principal and Head of Practice. My practice of law is very robust and cuts across all strata of Courts in Nigeria.

I have selflessly served the Nigerian Bar Association in various capacities, at the local and national levels. I served as the Secretary, Welfare Committee, Nigerian Bar Association, Owerri 2007 – 2009; Secretary, NBA Owerri Bar Center Committee, 2012 – 2014; Imo State Representative, Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) 2015 – 2017; Assistant Secretary, Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) 2017 – 2019; Member, Board of Trustees, Imo State University Alumni Association, 2015 – 2021; Member, Administration of Criminal Justice Committee, 2016 – 2018; Member, Administration of Criminal Justice Law Drafting Committee of Imo State, 2019 – 2020; Chairman, Nigerian Bar Association, Owerri Branch, 2018 – 2020 and NEC Representative for Owerri Branch 2020 till date.

My hobbies include reading, research, philanthropy, travelling and watching Football. I am a Christian of the Catholic faith and have equally served the Church in several capacities where I practically delivered on all assignments entrusted in my care.

I am happily married with kids.

After intense and wide consultations, I, DAMIAN ONWUBIKO NOSIKE, ESQ., hereby present myself as an aspirant for the office of the Second Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association in the forthcoming election slated to hold in July, 2022.

Our dear country is passing through a phase with unique and daunting challenges. These challenges inevitably affect our existence, our economy and our nascent democracy. In all of these, our profession and the rule of law is put to trial. Our dear Association is looked unto in this generational trial to play its role in protecting the rule of law.

Beyond the protection of the rule of law, the welfare of members of the NBA has now become a point of priority for our dear Association. All these and more are what leaders of the NBA will keep in focus while aspiring for any executive office of the Association. On my eligibility with the qualifying requirements of the Nigerian Bar Association Constitution 2015 [as amended in 2021], I am a full and financial member of the Association. I have been a member of the NBA National Executive Council for over 3 years; I am from the Eastern Zone to which the office of the Second Vice President has been zoned from August, 2022 to August, 2024. I am thus, eligible to contest for the said office.

The NBA Constitution by Section 9 (5) b, i – iv clearly provides for the duties of the Second Vice President. My mission is simple. It is to faithfully and diligently perform those duties assigned to the office of the Second Vice President. Those duties are expected to be performed in that capacity for purposes of assisting the office of the President and cooperating with other national officers of the Association. In compliance with the NBA Constitution, part of my mission are as follows:

  1. In the absence of the President and First Vice President, I shall dutifully preside at all Meetings of the Association and make representations at events in which the President is empowered to preside or make representations by the provisions of the Constitution;
  2. I shall coordinate the activities of all the Branches as may be assigned to the office of the Second Vice President by the National Executive Council or the President and I shall pay periodic visits as necessary and/or required, to the Branches so assigned to the office and shall make periodic reports to the National Executive Council on such visits and in addition, ensure the sustenance of unity among the assigned Branches;
  3. I shall encourage and supervise the formation of new Branches within the zonal supervisory jurisdiction of the office in line with the guidelines set out in the NBA Constitution;
  4. I shall perform all other duties as the office may be directed by the President or the National Executive Council or the Annual General Meeting or such other duties which the President is unable to perform owing to ill health, old age, absence from the country or any other reason at the material time.
  5. I shall deploy my wealth of experience and team spirit in exhibiting loyalty to the Association and working together with other executives to deliver on the mandate of the incoming administration.

I have served the Bar to the best of my time and ability in various capacities and so I understand the workings and practical demands of the office I am aspiring for. I shall dedicate my personal time and energy to the realization of the mission, vision and core statements of the Nigerian Bar Association.

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