The first quarterly general meeting of the Eastern Bar Forum was held on Saturday, 21st March, 2020 at the NBA Owerri Branch Bar Centre, Owerri, Imo State and after a robust discussion the following resolutions were reached to wit:

  1. Welfare:
    a. Marriage: A gift worth the sum of N20,000.00 shall be given to a member as a wedding gift.
    b. Death of a member : The family of any deceased member of the forum will be entitled to the sum of N100.000.00
    b. Health: Any member who falls ill and becomes incapable of performing his duties as a legal practitioner will be entitled to a sum to be determined by the Governing Council and the Council shall pay a visit to the ailing member to see and determine the condition of the member for further action.
    For a member to be entitled to the above welfare benefits, the member must satisfy the following to wit:
    I. Member must have been a registered member of EBF for not less than three (3) years
    ii. Must have attended at least five (5) EBF Meetings preceding the happening of the event.
    iii. Must have paid the EBF Dues as at when due for a period of not less than three years.
    iv. The Forum must be informed in writing at least two (2) weeks before the event.
  2. 2020 NBA Elections
    A. Offices not zoned to the East
    The forum aligns with the following aspirants.
    i. Office of Assistant Publicity Secretary-
    Ferdinand Naza
    ii. Office of Assistant Secretary- Ann Aggi
    iii. Office of Publicity Secretary- Rapuluchukwu Nduka
    iv. Office of Financial Secretary- Nnamdi Raphael Anagor-
    v. Office of Welfare Secretary-Sabastien Anyia

B. Offices zoned to the East:
i.The office of General Secretary and 3rd Vice President are zoned to the East.
For the office of General Secretary , the following members indicated interest to run for the said office to wit;
a. Chris O. Yakemewerigha Esq
b. Okey Leo Ohagba Esq.
c. Mrs. Joyce Oduah
d. Alexander Nduka Mouka Esq.
e. Barth Aniche Okoye Esq.

ii. For the Office of 3rd Vice President, the following members indicated interest to run for the said office to wit;
a. Promise Iwezor Esq.
b. Gerald Abonyi Esq.

Whereas within the Eastern Bar Forum there are two zones ie the Southeast comprising of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi Enugu and Imo state and the South south zone comprising of Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River and Rivers State, the Forum resolved that all the aspirants are free to run for the said positions with the proviso that whoever wins the elections, it will be taken that the winner has taken the slot for his or her zone within the Eastern Bar Forum, that when the said offices rotates back to the East, it will be the turn of the other zone within the Eastern Bar Forum to take the slots.

3 . Election Committee
The Forum resolved to set up and Election Committee for the NBA 2020 Elections. The Governing Council was given the powers to set up the Committee.

4. Constitutional Amendment
The Forum resolved to amend the Constitution of the Eastern Bar Forum and in pursuance thereof a Constitution Amendment Committee was set up and inaugurated. The Committee was given six weeks to conclude its assignment.
The members of the committee consist of the following;
a. Victor Nwaogu- Chairman
b. Goodluck Ogbom- Secretary
c. Marcel Akamahbe

5. State of the Nation
The forum considered the state of the country on the twin issues of the ravaging Covid 19 pandemic and Police brutality and resolved as follows.
i. That the Federal and State Governments should put every machinery in place to check the spread of the ravaging Covid 19 Virus and also provide all facilities necessary for its containment and treatment.
ii. That the Inspector General of Police Unit deployed to the various state should respect the rule of law and uphold the extant constitutional provisions on the rights of citizens.

For; Eastern Bar Forum.

Sir (Hon) Ray O. Akanwa

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