The ECNBA has so far done a good job taking into consideration the pressure this whole electioneering process has put them. I know this year’s election committee will definitely be voted as the hardest committee so far in NBA’S recent history. They deserve some accolades.

Going forward, since the list of verified candidates were released, some  issues have cropped up from people who complied with the verification process who could not see their names on the list to people whose details were missing.I sincerely hope that ECNBA and Crenet anticipated these problem and will provide solutions to them before the voting begins.

Another complaint about the  verification list that calls for urgent attention is the complaints of those whose details are on the data base but not listed in any branch.

ECNBA and Crenet released two batches of names listed according to branches with the following instructions:

The final list of verified voters is hereby published and made available for members to access to confirm their status. It is important to note;

  1. Only names in the list of members submitted by branches can be found on this final verified list
  2. Only names of members who participated in the verification exercise can be found on this final verified list.
  3. Members may check their verified names on either the BATCH A verified list or BATCH B verified list.

To confirm verification status, members are advised to follow the following steps;

  1. Check your information by entering your Supreme Court enrollment number in the appropriate column
  2. You may check your information under your branch

Some lawyers have been unable to find their names listed in their branch or any other branch when they searched for their names under their branch but found their names when they clicked on the arrow in the menu (top right) which shows another drop down menu that has two options

Check by Branch

Check Verification data

When you search  with Check by branch, some names will not be found but when you search the names with Check verification data, the details of the names appear even with an indication of their branch.

The questions now become,

  1. What is the status of these names that are hidden in the branch list but can be found on the verification data?
  2. Is it an issue to worry about, if not, why are those names not listed in any branch?
  3. What are these people supposed to do if it is a problem to avoid being disenfranchised?

To ensure transparency and proper voters’ education, ECNBA and Crenet must answer the three questions above with an unambiguous explanation of why those names were hidden from the branches.

Anthony Atata

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