The Regal Jurist, a full service law firm in Nigeria, on Friday, 10th of April, 2020, announced her maiden ADR Seminar, Harnessing Technology for an Effective Mediation Practice.”

In a statement by Bibi Benneth Ugo, a partner in the firm, she noted that the convergence of technology and mediation in the digital world is inevitable. Moreso, with the disruptions caused in the various sectors and industries by the COVID -19 pandemic.

According to her, there is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic will throw-up numerous disputes requiring resolution and with the post-Covid-19 disruptions, there is no better time to explore and take advantage of Online Dispute Resolution.

This, in her opinion, was the basis for this event.

This webinar, which is done in partnership with (a legal technology outfit) and Wells and Partners will teach ADR practitioners on how to leverage technology in their various practice areas in the resolution of the many fallouts arising from the Pandemic.

Also, this webinar will help practitioners discover how to get cases online, register cases online and Mediate online.

The details of the webinar are as follows:

Date: 13th April 2020
Time: 11 am
Venue: Zoom


2 thoughts on ““Harnessing technology for an effective mediation practice”- The Regal Jurist hosts webinar on 13 April 2020

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