Courtroom mail “Find A Lawyer” is now a big community of expert Lawyers in Africa, with more than 1200 Lawyers from 15 different African countries.

Click here to upgrade to a Verified Lawyer and add Notary Public to your profile

Another good news is that, more people from across the globe now visit Courtroom Mail’s expert list of Lawyers. We will continue to work hard to ensure that those visits benefit our subscribers.

In the coming year, we will continue to promote the duties of Notaries Public

To ensure that visitors to our site have confidence in the relationships they build with Lawyers listed on our site, we have introduced the “verified lawyers”. These are lawyers listed on our site who have requested that we verify them. When a lawyer is verified, a verified logo appears beside his/her profile for all visitors to the site to see. That is not all.

Special Legal Services:

We hope to use our expert list to promote the work of Notaries Public as they continue to become relevant in International transactions. All verified users will have the opportunity of editing their respective profiles after they have been verified to include “Notary Public” under our Special Services, if they are one. They will also have the opportunity of putting up a powerful and professional Bio which will display in their profile when a visitor searches for a lawyer in their area of expertise.

That is not all.

Courtroom Mail understands that a Lawyer is some African Countries can be appointed a commissioner for Oaths. When you are verified, you can also include that in your profile, if you are one.

That is not all.

Courtroom Mail is promoting a specific area of Law called “Contract Reviewer”. Our verified Lawyers will also have the right to include Contract Reviewer in their profile. This will add a lot of value as more people, especially in tech, continue to see the need to engage lawyers to review their contract papers including Contracts of Employment, tenancy etc.

To get listed as a Notary Public, you must have signed up on the free listing first then login and upgrade to a verified Lawyer to enable you include Notary Public, Contract Reviewer, and Commissioner for Oaths in your profile.

Sign up for free here if you have not signed up

Login to Upgrade to a verified Lawyer if you have already signed up

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