By: Douglas Ogbankwa Esq.

1.Always obey the Traffic directions, as indicated by the Traffic Light,it is for your safety ! There is no need to be too in a hurry. Obey traffic Rules even if you are the one on the traffic ,it helps to build the system.
2.Do not move from lane to lane ,have your movement in mind ,before you enter a major road .
3. The car in motion on a major road, has the right of way ,a car coming from an adjoining road ,must allow passage to a car moving on a major road . There are established rules .The Car on the minor road has no right of way when the car on the major road is in motion.

4.Always maintain a ten metre distance with the car in front of your car ! This is to allow for any exigencies and reduce the impact on the other car if there was for example a break failure.
5. Do not make or answer calls with your phone while driving ,use a hands free !Holding your phone is a big distraction while driving .It also constitute a traffic offence .

  1. Always wear your seat belt ,when you do most times Men of FRSC ,will not disturb you ! Aside that ,wearing your seat belt protects your life incase of a serious accident.
  2. Only park in designated places ,do not park indiscriminately !Do not pay for parking except it is public park so designated .The Act of Local Government Officials collecting rates for parking in front of business premises is illegal and it is actually criminal. Private Business Premises can not accommodate Public Parks .
    8 . Avoid driving against traffic,popularly called one way. You.are likely going to cause a very serious accident one day .The fact that it has not happened,does not mean it will not happen. It is only a Matter of time.Ask those who have been involved.
    9. When a car is already on the the right of way (major road ) , or there is likely to be a collision of your car with another (whether you are right or wrong ) ,hold your break immediately. There is no prize for a better driver. It is better for to wait for a minute than for you to do a traffic case in the Police Station for days or Court for years .

10.Make sure your particulars are upto date and your Driver’s license is original,if you did not do biometrics capture ,then it is fake !Also.make sure you patronized the Designated Vehicle Parrticulars Office.There are too many fakes out there .

  1. Make sure you have your caution sign ,unexpired fire extinguisher,razor blade ,first aid kit,jack ,wheel spanner,pliers ,plug spanners spare tyre ,water and do not ,use indiscriminate plate numbers ,they can easily be verified by Operatives of the F.R.S.C or any other relevant Agency on the National Vehicle Registration Data Base!
  2. When you commit a traffic infraction, politely ask for a soft landing from the F.R.S.C. Officials ,if they asked you for your Driver’s license find a way around it ,once you give it to them ,they got you !
  3. Do not disobey traffics light directions for any reason ,apart from the likelihood of being caught ,if there was any accident ,you are culpable and it is a strict liability Offence !

14.Avoid leaving fuel and gas cylinder in your booth for a long time ,they are highly combustible substances !

15.Avoid parking your car in an open place in big occasions, like crusades ,marriages ,weddings ,burials ,et al .Criminals have master keys ,that can be used to steal your car .Buy a Steering Lock and put a tracker in your car.

16.,Put an alarm security or tracker in your car ,it is cheaper in the long run and safer for you !And ensure the tracker is attached to an active line .Check from time to time if the tracker line is active .

17.Be careful ,how you purchase a fairly used car ,make verifications from the the National Vehicle Registration Database, to ascertain ,the actual owner ,if you bought a car that is a product of armed robbery /kidnapping,you would be presumed to be the armed robber/kidnapper until the contrary is proven !

18.Purchase and Study the National High Way Code and the Road Traffic Act and the Law Setting up.your State Traffic Management Agency to understand the Laws better !
19.F..R.S.C. Officials Cannot impose fines ,except a Court of Competent Jurisdiction does so ,insist on your rights !They can not also seize your Drivers License or Vehicle Particulars .Tell them to take you to a Mobile Court .

20.The prescribed speed limit by Law within a City is 80 kilometers per hour ,on the high way ,it is 120 kilometres per hour !Be very careful,when ever an accident happens ,the speed,as it the time it occurs,displays and it could be used as evidence against you !

21.FRSC Officials do not have jurisdiction on State Roads and State Management Agencies do not have Jurisdictions on Federal Roads .See Ogbebor v.FRSC (a Judgment of the Federal High Court Warri )for the first proposition and K.O. Obamogie v. EDSTMA & ORS. (A Judgment of the Edo State High Court Presided over by the Hon. Justice Esohe Frances Ilponmwen-retired )v. and recently Paul Osarenkhoe v. EDSTMA (A Judgment of the Edo State High Court Presided over by the Hon. Justice Ada N. Ehigiamusoe )for the 2nd Proposition.

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