Banke Olagbegi Oloba excited Lagos lawyers yesterday as she spoke onthe high cost of NBA conferences in an event organised in her honour by her friends at the freedom park Lagos.

The event which was attended by lawyers practising in Lagos had members of Lagos  present including the newly elected Chairman of Nigerian Bar Association,Ikorodu branch,Mr Bayo Akinlade.

Mrs Banke Olagbegi-Oloba who is the American Bar Association-Section of International Law liaison for Africa and a former treasurer of Nigerian Bar Association,Akure branch is in the race for the position of the Treasurer of the National body of the Nigerian Bar Association.

She spoke on the high cost of NBA conferences and stated that the NBA should be able to reduce conference fees when they receive sponsorship like they always do.She cited an example of a conference she attended in Capetown  where her registration fee was refunded on arrival because the conference organisers secured sponsorship that made the payment of registration fee unnecessary .

Banke who emphasised that it was the duty of the Treasure to oversee income and expenditure and if she becomes the treasurer,she will attract enough sponsorship to the NBA that will help bring down the conference fee.

Mr Akinlade commended her and urged members to support her in her bid.Lawyers in Lagos had a nice time hanging out with her as majority of them pledged to support her in her bid to become the treasurer of the Association at the National level.

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