Paul Usoro SAN in his goodwill message to the Nigerian Bar Association,Lagos branch on the occasion of the 2018 Law week has described the theme of the law week as timely.

The law week which began on the 5th of May has the theme“Human Capital and the Legal Profession in the 21st Century”,

In the communication dated 27th of April 2018,Paul Usoro wrote

“I heartily congratulate the Chairman, the Planning Committee and the entire members of the Nigerian Bar Association (“NBA”), Lagos Branch, on this auspicious occasion of its 2018 Annual Law Week, which is scheduled to hold from Saturday, 05 May 2018 to Friday, 11 May 2018, at City Hall Lagos.

Obviously, the theme of this Year’s Law Week: “Human Capital and the Legal Profession in the 21st Century”, was wisely chosen, coming at a very relevant time when the Nigerian legal profession is at the brink of a total transformation to be engendered by the Legal Professions Regulation Bill. It is expected that the Bill will address the major human capital issues faced by Nigerian lawyers, either in law firms, as in-house counsel, or law officers. The Premier Bar, being one of the pace setters in the Nigerian Legal Profession has again, lived up to its billings and expectation, in addressing this hydra-headed and topical issue as regards the general welfare of lawyers in their careers, thereby making the profession more attractive and rewarding. This will, no doubt enhance the quality of legal service and justice delivery in Nigeria.

I earnestly pray that the 2018 Law Week uplifts the Nigerian Bar generally, while creating a more conducive atmosphere for the legal practice. I wish all members of the Premier Bar and the Judiciary, happy celebrations as they observe the 2018 Law week.

Long Live the Premier Bar!

Long Live the Nigeria Bar Association!

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Yours sincerely

 Paul Usoro, SAN, FCIArb”

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