NBA Onitsha Law Week: “Putting on your Armour” is a necessary topic- Alex Muoka
The Law Week of the Nigerian Bar Association-Onitsha Branch begins today with contemporary topics bordering on tax, succession in the profession (Protecting the profession from extinction), and how to earn a living practicing law. These are topics that add value to the present day lawyer.
I felicitate with the NBA Onitsha Branch on the occasion of their Law Week and commend the Branch Chairman, Executive Committee, and members of the Law Week Committee who painstakingly put it together.
Having gone through the programme, I am particularly excited about the session “Putting on your Armour” which will have law enforcement agents as panelists.
This is a conversation I honestly believe lawyers should be having at this time when we are becoming endangered, and I hope discussions will be frank and robust.
I thank our colleagues in Onitsha for the bold initiative and I wish them a very successful outing.