
A book from a Military Law expert, Obioma Ezenwobodo.
The book comprehensively deals with knotty issues, principle and laws relating to Court Martial proceedings in the Armed Forces of Nigeria and appeals emanating therefrom.

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A book from a Military Law expert, Obioma Ezenwobodo.
The book comprehensively deals with knotty issues, principle and laws relating to Court Martial proceedings in the Armed Forces of Nigeria and appeals emanating therefrom.

It is divided into twelve chapters beginning with Chapter 1 dealing with Introduction to Court Martial. Chapter 2 deals with general provisions on Court Martial. Chapter 3 is on constitution of a Court Martial while Chapter 4 deals with duties of Counsel and the President in a Court Martial trial. Chapter 5 is on offences, punishments and pre-trial procedure and Chapter 6 treats on the topic of witnesses in a Court Martial trial. Chapter 7, 8 and 9 are on Trial Procedure. Chapter 10 is on provision relating to trials and Chapter 11 is on post trial proceedings. Finally, Chapter 12 deals with appeals emanating from decisions of Courts Martial.

The book is written to fill the lacuna created by dearth of books on the practice of Court Martial I’m Nigeria.

It’s a one stop reference material and highly recommended for legal practitioners, military personnel, researchers, journalists, student and the general public.

It is a must have!!!

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