Sep 2, 2020 12:00 PM- London

It was Warren Buffet who famously said: ‘Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.’

As Africa´s law firms are coming to terms with Covid-19 some are feeling more optimistic about the consequences than others. The only certainty is that the market will return. The challenge is, therefore, which law firms will emerge from Covid-19 in a stronger or weaker position than before.

The IBA Africa Regional Forum, with the support of the Law Firm Management Committee, are bringing together members from across Africa to share insights on both surviving and thriving during the Covid-19 crisis.

In this special webinar, we will share our experience on how best to use these days in self-isolation to strengthen our firms while laying the foundation for growth when the rebound happens. We will hear about the many challenges African law firms are facing, but also the opportunities for those doing this right.

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