On 27 December 2020, the people of the Central African Republic (“CAR”) will elect their President and their representatives at the National Assembly.
In the course of the investigations my Office has been conducting since 2014, I have witnessed first-hand the Central African people’s committed efforts in the pursuit of sustainable peace in the country, including during my most recent visit to Bangui. I have been closely following developments in the country, and I am troubled by public reports and information about increased tensions and the potential of escalating violence ahead of the upcoming elections.
I call for calm and restraint from all parties, armed groups, political actors and their supporters, and others.
The peaceful course of elections in the Central African Republic is essential to prevent cycles of violence.
In this respect, I wish to repeat previous statements I have made to stress that anyone who commits, orders, incites, encourages or contributes, in any other way, to the commission of crimes under the Rome Statute, is liable to prosecution either before the courts in CAR or the International Criminal Court.
My Office continues its investigations into the situation in CAR and remains committed to the pursuit of justice for all the victims of atrocity crimes in the country, and to hold to account those responsible, irrespective of which side of the conflict they may be on.