The year 2020 will grind to an end in a few days. It wasn’t a very pleasant year for a lot of people. Those in the legal profession were not spared from the challenges of 2020 which began with the pandemic resulting to a lockdown of the economy and social activities. The burning of the iconic court building in Lagos during the Endsars protest brought more challenges to the business of law especially for those in Litigation. There is speculation that we are in another wave of Covid-19 infections, there is also news of vaccines ready to combat it.
As the year grinds to an end, there is renewed hope that amid the whole uncertainty, 2021 will come with good tidings.
Courtroom Mail has launched an online book store to distribute best selling Law books. Three books have been chosen to open the store and these three books are books Courtroom Mail believes should be on the shelf of Lawyers for two reasons, the niche they promote and how they fit in contemporary times.
1.Casebook on Human Rights Litigation in Nigeria-

This book written by Frank Agbedo, a renowned Human rights Lawyer who has authored many other titles is exceptional for two reasons. Yes, all lawyers are human rights lawyers by default however some have carved a niche in this area of practice. The idea of working remotely received an unprecedented boost in 2020,though digital books are also getting popular but many lawyers still require resources in hard copies to prepare their cases. Most times,it is impracticable to move all physical resources to the home front to prepare some of these cases for filing. The book came out timely providing a one stop resource for lawyers who need to urgently file a human rights enforcement suit. With just this one book in your briefcase, you can go home and prepare your matter ready for filing. What made this book popular is also the timing of the release. The experiences of the pandemic and the subsequent Endsars protest saw a rise in human rights violations in the country. Many lawyers found themselves in the front defending these violations with little time to put their cases together. This book alone proved to be a dependable ally in the pursuit of Justice.
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2.Law and Practice of Court Martial in Nigeria -.

This book written by Obioma Ezenwobodo is the top niche book of 2020. Not many lawyers avert their minds to a practice in Military Law and Court Martial. A lot has been happening in Nigeria,the military are getting more involved in internal security. This has introduced many factors that have led to court cases involving military personnel. This title gives an insight and indeed an education on how and what lawyers should know in this niché. In the years to come, more and more conversations will open around this subject as the military responsibilities increase in defence of our country.
3. Understanding Trademark Law in Nigeria–

This book by Isaac Ogbah simplified the understanding Trademark Law practice in Nigeria. The big beneficiaries of this book are young Lawyers who have found a niche in Intellectual Property (IP) Law practice and old Lawyers who need to refresh their memory. A popular joke says that a lawyer can run an IP Law practice from his or her phone. It is no longer a joke, it is true and it is now acceptable because the experiences of Covid-19 has launched us into remote Law practice which will not go away very soon. With the rise of start ups by young people, younger lawyers are also rising as young business founders look for younger lawyers to help them safeguard their intellectual creations. This book alone provides the understanding required for any lawyer who wants to practice in this niche.
Courtroom Mail store is open and has chosen these top books as the first in the store because of the value they bring. More important books will be listed as weeks go by to enable lawyers across Nigeria for now and later across Africa where people read Courtroom mail to buy Law books online.
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